Children of the Sün "Gaslighting"
Sounds from Sweden
A direct sound, somewhat dirty, urban and also suitable for the road. Children of the Sün embodies the spirit and vibe of the 70s in "Gaslighting" with hints of psychedelic and progressive rock. Overwhelming!
... de 2002: Festival de Bandas en la AFASyN
... de 2007: Festival Aerorock
... de 2013: Diego Frenkel y Kelo Barroso en RÃo Grande
... de 2016: Noche de Rock and Roll e Habana Bar
... de 2016: Martin Dufou en Temple Bar
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en The Roxy de Palermo
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en Groove
... de 2018: Guachos Manija vol 5 en la Biblioteca Kau-Kren
... de 2018: Ignacio Boreal en el Festival Somos del Sur
... de 2023: Mancos en Viagro