Burning Pools "White"
Sounds from the USA
Burning Pools flows with the Smashing Pumkins signature, with those sharp guitars and frenetic rhythms. Bassist Ginger Pooley was part of Corgan's band and now launched her own project. The BP thing is a hard rock with a grunge axis and an urban spirit on the Garbage path. "White" explodes with energy from start to finish and screams for a stadium show.
... de 2002: Aerosol (Valium) en vivo en Piano Bar
... de 2008: Gira Union Metal
... de 2011: Rock de Efecto Invernadero
... de 2001: Los Ojos del Duende en los Recitales de Verano
... de 2013: Maraño el el C.C.Alem
... de 2017: Fer Barraza & Amigos en Tempo Bar
... de 2018: Hermann (Mal Momento) en RÃo Grande
... de 2018: Play On en el Hard Rock Café
... de 2019: Motoasado en el Camping del C.E.C.U.