Winter & Boogarins "Bem No Fundo"
Sounds from the USA and Brazil
Dream pop with substance and sounds inherited from the late 70s. A base with disco sound and psychedelic synthesizers supports the voices of Winter and Boogarins that join forces in this production. With details of shoegaze and a consistent groove we are in the presence of a worthy track to start on Saturday night.
... de 2003: Santo Remedio en la Casa de la Juventud
... de 2012: Noche de metal en Ushuaia
... de 2013: Vozenoff en Ushuaia Restó Pub
... de 2017: The Monsters en Jagger Pub
... de 2019: Vozenoff en Jagger Pub
... de 2022: Los Sueños en Perro Cervecero