Westerner “Bad Karma”
Sounds from the USA
An intense intro, with a brilliant hi-hat and a stubborn guitar riff. The brasses arrangements and a subtle Latin flavor reminds Fabulosos Calavera -that breakthrough album by the Fabulosos Cadillacs-. In the chorus the reminiscences extend to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The truth is that Westerner's "Bad Karma" is a hyperkinetic track that maintains tension from beginning to end with clarity and elegance. A song to listen to ready to give it all on the dance floor!
... de 2008: Río Gallegos City Rockers
... de 2009: Falsa Alarma en el Centro Beagle
... de 2015: Fin Zona Urbana en Temple Bar
... de 2015: Festival Cotolengo Party
... de 2018: Varieté de Miérrr coles 7 de Marzo de 2018