Cynik Scald “When the sun goes down”
Sounds from Cyprus
The first thing you hear is a motorbike with the engine running, an immediate connection to Pappo's lifestyle. As the song progresses, Iorio and Tano Marciello join the references. "When the sun goes down" by Cynik Scald is a hard rock fusion that even allows a blues section on the bridge. A song to listen to while you travel to the nearest motor-meeting!
... de 2011: Birra, Ska-0 e Divertimento en Diada Pub
... de 2011: Los Artois de Doña Flora en Mostaza Bar
... de 2015: Ración Doble en Viagro Bar
... de 2015: Variete de Miérrrcoles - 17/02/15
... de 2016: Kawabonga! en el Skate Park de Río Grande
... de 2017: Derockados en la Fiesta del Lago 2017
... de 2017: Habana Rock Party
... de 2021: Ataxia Trío en Jagger Pub
... de 2022: Doble A en el Centro Cultural Esther Fadul
... de 2023: Páramo Bonzai en El Calafate