Dalo Monnier "Keep falling in love"
Sounds from Netherlands
This track is the definition of an incredible song with a very cool sounding and catchy melody. The amazing vocals will catch your ear right from the beginning and it will get stuck in your head for the rest of the day. The chorus and instruments create a perfect vibe for walking around town with headphones, just you and the track appreciating the lights of the city and remembering all those moments in life! Keep falling in love!
... de 2003: Santo Remedio en la Casa de la Juventud
... de 2012: Noche de metal en Ushuaia
... de 2013: Vozenoff en Ushuaia Restó Pub
... de 2017: The Monsters en Jagger Pub
... de 2019: Vozenoff en Jagger Pub
... de 2022: Los Sueños en Perro Cervecero