Western Jaguar "The brightest ray of darkness"
Sounds from Canada
This track starts off really slow and chill, but still manages to catch your ear right from the beginning. The soft vocals mixed up with the amazing instrumentals quickly create and amazing atmosphere, it just has something so catchy about it, it feels so short for how good it is! Give it a listen and you wont regret it, it is a minute full of some amazing music!
... de 1998: Vodevil y Vengador A Go Go en Bar El Pueblo
... de 2014: Fin Zona Urbana en Viagro
... de 2015: Variete de Miércoles - 11 de Febrero de 2015
... de 2016: Sangre de Toro en Habana Bar
... de 2016: Cuervonegro en el Microcine
... de 2017: Moto Asado en el Camping del CECU
... de 2017: La Rockera se despide en Habana Restó Bar
... de 2017: Tributo a Manu Chao en Mostaza Rock
... de 2018: Hermann (Mal Momento) en Calafate
... de 2022: Hunnica #001
... de 2022: The Devil´s Party en Café Latino