The Holographic Rodeo "The Visitor"
Sounds from United Kingdom
A hypnotic piano gives support to a melody sung with a vaporous voice. "The Visitor" subjugates from the first moment with a seductive and intriguing charm. The Holographic Rodeo has a style with points of contact with the 80s with an elegant yet challenging musicality. Very interesting!
... de 2007: Serenos de tu Tierra en Invisible Pub
... de 2012: MÃstica Soviética en Diada Pub
... de 2012: ¡Suspendido! Vodevil en el Festival Aéreo 2012
... de 2015: Fin Zona Urbana en Viagro
... de 2016: Noche de Acústicos en Habana Bar
... de 2016: Peba Mendoza en Temple Bar
... de 2016: Soñando Locuras en FM La Trinchera
... de 2018: Armand Lein Picabia en Kuar 1900