Fahrenheit 5G "The Sting"
Sounds from Bulgaria
Absolutely filled with some good summer vibes, Fahrenheit 5G offers "The Sting", a song about friendship that really catches its topic's escence. The whole song style is rather chill, giving the absolute vibe for a roadtrip with friends, it is the perfect option to play over and over! The track also contains some really good guitar-base moments, and in general the melody feels fun and happy. Just a perfect song for your trip!
... de 2002: Festival de Bandas en la AFASyN
... de 2007: Festival Aerorock
... de 2013: Diego Frenkel y Kelo Barroso en RÃo Grande
... de 2016: Noche de Rock and Roll e Habana Bar
... de 2016: Martin Dufou en Temple Bar
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en The Roxy de Palermo
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en Groove
... de 2018: Guachos Manija vol 5 en la Biblioteca Kau-Kren
... de 2018: Ignacio Boreal en el Festival Somos del Sur
... de 2023: Mancos en Viagro