Ceara Cavalieri ¨Used¨
Sounds from USA.
Ceara Cavalieri, an artist from Southerm California offers Used. A song with a pretty interesting style that will catch your ear right from the beginning till the end. The guitar has such an important role on this song, since its sounding is what makes you enjoy it the most. The voice also has a lot to offer, its soft but also powerful tone will never get you tired of listening to it! And last but not least, the catchy melody and instrumental arrangements sound amazing and will make you want to find out more about this talented artist!
... de 2002: Festival de Bandas en la AFASyN
... de 2007: Festival Aerorock
... de 2013: Diego Frenkel y Kelo Barroso en RÃo Grande
... de 2016: Noche de Rock and Roll e Habana Bar
... de 2016: Martin Dufou en Temple Bar
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en The Roxy de Palermo
... de 2017: Los Vende Humo en Groove
... de 2018: Guachos Manija vol 5 en la Biblioteca Kau-Kren
... de 2018: Ignacio Boreal en el Festival Somos del Sur
... de 2023: Mancos en Viagro