The Seraphonics "A Pale Horse"
Sounds from the USA
A sonic wall rises behind a minimal base. "A Pale Horse" synthesizes shoegaze and stoner rock with a very organic and vivid sound. The track is reminiscent of QOTSA but also -at times- of Los Redonditos de Ricota with those oriental touches. The voices in The Seraphonics are passionate and soulful. A great rock combo!
... de 2008: Río Gallegos City Rockers
... de 2009: Falsa Alarma en el Centro Beagle
... de 2015: Fin Zona Urbana en Temple Bar
... de 2015: Festival Cotolengo Party
... de 2018: Varieté de Miérrr coles 7 de Marzo de 2018