Rancid Eddie "Champagne"
Sounds from Australia
Rancid Eddie comes from Australia with an intense reggae rock that flirts with the spirit of punk-pop and hardcore. "Champagne" sounds current at the same time that it refers at times to proposals from the 90s such as No Doubt or Sublime. Very interesting!
... de 2007: Serenos de tu Tierra en Invisible Pub
... de 2012: Mística Soviética en Diada Pub
... de 2012: ¡Suspendido! Vodevil en el Festival Aéreo 2012
... de 2015: Fin Zona Urbana en Viagro
... de 2016: Noche de Acústicos en Habana Bar
... de 2016: Peba Mendoza en Temple Bar
... de 2016: Soñando Locuras en FM La Trinchera
... de 2018: Armand Lein Picabia en Kuar 1900